Thomas Beck's Blog (Page 7)

Musings about technology and things tangentially related

WCF Performance Counter Sizing - Do the Math

Performance counters for WCF have been available ever since the first release of WCF with the .NET 3.0 Framework. As long as these counters have been available, Microsoft has been cautioning about the memory requirements and potential performance degradation associated with insufficient shared memory allocation. I thought that I had heard at the PDC that WCF 4 would fix some of this but going back to the WCF session video, it looks as if these counters won’t really be addressed by WCF 4 but instead superseded by the ETW instrumentation present in AppFabric. So, until everyone moves to AppFabric, I see a need for a bit more guidance than the “allocate enough memory” that Microsoft offers us.


About Me

I’ve been blogging for 4 years now and never have filled out the “About Me” section on my blog. I’ve had good intentions for a while but just never got around to it because my vision involved scanning in a bunch of older materials. I’ve finally carved out a bit of time to update the default blurb with suitable material, which you can find here. Unless you’ve known me for a long while, you’re sure to find out an interesting new thing or two. Give it a look!


Redgate Reflector Pro

As many of you likely know, Lutz Roeder turned over control of one of the “must have” .NET developer tools, .NET Reflector to Red Gate software. True to their promise, RedGate has continued to support the free version of Reflector and make continued improvements, including the addition of a Visual Studio plugin to jump into Reflector and the support of .NET 4 assemblies with their most recent release of the tool.